
S5ii Free LUT

Guide to Capturing Photos in 65:24 Aspect Ratio with Panasonic S5ii + Free LUT

Here’s a quick write up on my most recent reddit post which got some love, and wanted to share as much info as I could!

For context, I’ve been trying to simplify my shooting experience and not rely too much on post processing, now that newer camera’s allow for so much flexibility during shooting.

I was also falling out of love with the images I was taking, so wanted to try and push myself in using a different style. Inspired by some other posts, I saw that you can use the 65:24 crop which is a really fun wide angle. The fact that you can view this in camera, with your own Lut applied, means that you can get out of camera JPEG’s that look like this, whilst also having the raw files if you need to tweak them. It’s so much fun, I recommend anyone going out there and trying it out. These were all shot on the standard 20-60mm kit lens.


In the cropped 65:24 aspect ratio, the Panasonic S5ii captures images at 6000 x 2208 resolution, which means you get 13MP images with file sizes around 8-10 MB per photo. That's more than enough for most screens and prints.

High-Res Mode?

It’s good to note that the handheld high-resolution shot mode won't work with the 65:24 aspect ratio, you can enhance resolution during post-processing if needed. But honestly, for most purposes, the camera's default resolution is perfect.

Try it for yourself! [Download link below]

Creating my own LUT (Look-Up Table) was a fun project that took me about a month. It wasn't the easiest task, but it's been rewarding, and learned a lot from the Lumix USA Live Streams so a massive thank you!

My LUT attempts to enhances dynamic range and gives your photos a warm, Kodak 2383-like feel. It’s not perfect, and you’ll need to spend some time dialling in your settings.

If you’re here, you probably already know how to install a LUT on a Lumix Camera, once you’ve got it installed, here’s a step by step guide:

  1. Create your own Photo Style

  2. Set the base colour profile to Rec709

  3. Saturation -1

  4. Hue -0,5

  5. Sharpness -1.5

  6. NR +0

  7. WB - AWBc

  8. LUT - ProTharan S5ii K 2328

When you’re shooting, make sure you play around with your white balance settings for more control over colors, and don’t default to the auto WB settings. That’s what allowed me to get a range of different colours.

Let me know if you have any questions, and have fun shooting out there!

Recipe for u/Nibberson

For Lightroom - It's basically trying to figure out what should you set in the .cube file, and what should you try and get right in camera, once I had that figured out I was able to make basic edits to a lightroom lut accordingly.

If I was to break down, it's thinking about it as -

1. What camera setting do I want control of
2. What photo style do I want to use as a base - for me it was Rec709 so I could also use these LUT's for video
3. What adjustments to that photo-style do I need to make (reduce sharpness/saturation etc)
4. When applying the LUT, what white point,black point and colours do I want. I like to raise the blacks completely, but you may want a more contrast image.

To figure out that last part, take any of the photo styles as a base, adjust the setting to your liking, and take a raw photo and bring that into lightroom. Then make sure you working in the camera colour space (not Adobe colour space) and make your tweaks here using only the ones below (all the others don’t work, or mess up in camera)

I've screenshotted here the setting I changed, and didnt touch anything else

I did try and touch lots of other settings, but it would either fail when trying to export the file, so these are my tried and tested setting which work for changing the colour and look of your image.

Once you’re happy with your image, then save this as a Preset.

Then download this software and follow the video to create your LUT. https://iwltbap.sellfy.store/p/aq1y/

I made mine as .cube file, and then loaded it onto the camera with the pircutre profile, which I’ve documented above.

Hope that helps!